Tuesday, 5 May 2009

If an award falls in the forest…

Last year, my editor at the late Conshohocken Recorder wrote to tell me that they couldn’t pay to enter my column into the Keystone Press Awards anymore. That was a pretty good indication that the paper wasn’t long for this world. The entry fee was $7.00.

So I filled out the entry form and sent it in myself. Months went by and the time for announcing the winners passed, so I didn't think anything more about it, figuring that my seven Washingtons would have been better spent on a roast chicken club combo at Arby's.

Last Friday, I thought of it and ventured out to the PA Newspaper Association website to see who beat me out.

Turns out, I won and nobody told me. I hope I didn't miss the parade.

Sure, I probably benefitted from the fact that only me and like two other dudes ponied up the seven bones, but the important thing is that I got my name on a PDF. A PDF! Can I find a way to mention that this is the third time in four years that I've won this award without sounding like a complete douchebag? Perhaps not.

In any case, a roast chicken club sandwich sounds really good right now.

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