Proving once again that they don't read the submissions that editors send in, the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association just awarded Just Humor Me the 2008 first place
Keystone Press Award for Most
Bitchin' Column in Division VIII, which is Roman for Division Awesome.
The graphics dude who made the little ribbon I used when I won the same award in
2006 doesn't work at the paper anymore, so I worked a little magic on it myself:

Thanks to everyone who visits this site to encourage me even when the column sucks, as it is prone to do from time to time, such as weekly. You all are the coolest and you kept me writing this thing even when I'd rather have been shooting zombies in the face, which was always. Not that the world would have exploded if I'd have quit, but thank you
nonetheless. Your support is appreciated more than you know.
And not only do I get to post that awesome ribbon graphic again, but I also get this
kickass PDF with my very own name somewhere on it. I'd better print that out and bronze it before they fix the glitch that allowed this travesty.
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