Friday, 13 March 2009

Mama don't take my Kodachrome

After I waited for a WHOLE WEEK like Calvin waiting for his beanie, my new camera finally came in yesterday. Now I really do have a Nikon Camera, and I do, indeed, love to take the phoooooot-to-graphs, or at least I will, as soon as I figure out which button does that. Also, why was Paul Simon worried his mama was going to take his Kodachrome away? Probably because he was huffing it.

So I've been running around for 24 hours taking pictures of everything (and by everything I mean my dog), trying to figure out how to work this thing. I'm pretty sure it's the best purchase I've ever made in my life, despite my fumbling with it to this point. Our future baby is going to get a tan from the flash bulb.

Here's the damage I've been able to do so far:

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